Friday, June 26, 2015

Simply Put, "I shouldn’t have to beg."

First off, Happy Friday...seriously all mah homies (and future self who will hopefully read this again on a Friday lol). We made it through another work week and that is cause for celebration!! Tonight I'm going to my dad's Wind Ensemble concert at the Lafayette Hotel with Gabe and a few others to enjoy some classic music and sip on a few cocktails :) Seems like an appropriate way to spend a Friday night, am I right?! I'm excited to relax with friends and soak up some old school vibes.

This week was good over all, but something pretty lame happened. I honestly don't want to get into it too much because I do know that this is an open blog that some people maybe glance at from time to time and I refuse to ever put anyone on blast, or cause harm or hurtful messages to them. However, I created this blog way back when, partially so that I could document stepping stones in my life to reflect on someday and hopefully learn from. Kind of like how musicians write songs to get them through experiences and get if off their chests.

I don't really know how to talk about it without getting emotional and going in detail, and I can't seem to find any of my own words that are fitting. So I turned to a blogger website that I thoroughly enjoy reading posts on called Hello Giggles to find some comfort and advice. This site is so great to find posts on really anything and everything you can imagine (primarily for the average woman, but guys too)! I stumbled upon this post and it encouraged my heart as I read it, knowing that other besides myself and a few of my close friends have had people come and go in their lives this way too.

Cutting people out of your lives, especially a person who you once called one of your dearest friends, is drastic. While it is a sucky situation and I don't wish anyone to go through a friendship ending this way, it's real and it happens. But anyways, if you've dealt with a friendship breakup or even if you haven't, I feel like this girl's post sums up really well what it feels like. Soooo, without further ado, if you want to read the blog here it is:

Now, go hug your friend or your pet (same thang haha) and tell them you love them, because life is too short to hold grudges and cut people out. And if they do, "There are plenty of other people out there who would do anything to hold your hand on that big, giant ocean."


Monday, June 22, 2015

A Ghost From Blog's Past

My oh my! This blog looks mighty dusty, hypothetically of course ;) 8 months sure knows how to blast right past you if you let it...which I suppose I did.

I'm not going to sit here and whine about how I've just been too busy to write and how I've wanted to keep up with my blog of the last half a year, but haven't had the opportunity to because let's face it. Those are excuses. I know it. You know it. The blog ghost knows it! I truly believe that if you want to do something, you will find a way to work it into your schedule and make it happen.

I really don't know why I lost interest in blogging for a while. I guess maybe I felt like it was an inconvenience for me or that I needed to focus my attention on finding a job, not typing up random thoughts or reviews that no one even looked at except for me. Which honestly I've always been fine with. I didn't start this blog so that everyone would follow me and want to read what I had to say. I started it so that I could have somewhere to get my thoughts and ideas out, share random moments in my life and hopefully have somewhere to look back on in the future. However, if you are a friend, family member or complete stranger and you do happen to read this please know that I feel so stoked and honored that you care enough to take time out of your day to read my silly posts. YOU. ARE. AWESOME. :)

So why am I all of a sudden raising my blog from the depths of the ghost world?? Well for starters, a whole lot has happened this year so far. I turned 23, started a full time job, sort of put my cupcake/bakery business on hold because of this, began apartment searching and so far failed, watched my sister move to Houston in hopes of making her dreams come true, went to a nutritionist to get my health on track (finally), lost close friends, regained even closer friends, maintained best friends, and now have found myself once again confused with where I'm headed next on this crazy road lol.

Last night I was laying in bed and all I could think about was my blog and how much I missed this part of myself. I feel like in the last 6 months I've kind of lost the creative, outgoing, freethinking side of myself. I want to reintroduce this part of me and try my best not to let it go this time around.

I'm definitely not promising anything, but I do hope to myself that I can try to document more of the amazing (and not so amazing) parts in my life so I never forget them.
